Pat Rocchi’s comedy contains smart, razor-sharp observations about life in this crazy 21st century we inherited. You know, things you have probably wondered about late at night. Like, why people think getting older means getting stupider. Why corporate pep talks are oxymorons. Asking why people are having gender reveal parties. And one of the most important philosophical questions of our times: Who thought that naming a store “BJ’s” was a good idea?
Pat’s well-lived and varied life has led him to his insights legitimately. That’s why his clients say his superpower is how he customizes his material to their unique needs. And that’s why he successfully entertains such a wide group of people. Pat’s clients include meeting planners, military & veterans' groups, comedy clubs, brides & grooms, and birthday parties for people who reached embarrassing milestones.
Pat Rocchi is a hard-working headliner, a scene-setting warm-up comic, a motivational speaker who entertains his audiences with a captivating style, and an emcee who keeps every event moving gracefully.
Join the party, and have Pat work for you in all the ways he can.
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