Bobby Jindal is supposed to be the front-running Republican for the next Presidential election? Couldn't prove it by his response to President Obama's address to Congress and the nation. Yuk! What an awful piece of oratory. What was that opening? A looooooooong discourse on how his parents emigrated to America from India and how his father took a part-time job to pay for Jindal's delivery? What did that have to do with anything? Then there was his patronizing reference to an African American addressing Congress, blathering on about how proud we should all be. Seems we've had this discussion, and I think it's time to move on, Attorney General Eric Holder's recent remarks notwithstanding.
Jindal's rejoinder was brimming with bromides and filled with saccharine stories, all told in a sing-song and inauthentic manner that stood in direct contrast to Obama's address. As I often say, the purpose of this blog is not to make political statements. Still, it is safe to say that the President's address was confident, commanding and skillful. (It was certainly NOT the buzzkill that Jindal tried to make it out to be.)
I've come to comment on Bobby Jindal, not to bury him. I'm not saying he is done. After all, if Bill Clinton could overcome his deadly 1988 nomination speech for Michael Dukakis, anyone can. But he is off to a shaky start. It will be interesting to watch.
Questionnaire for everyone who stopped talking to me
I’ve developed a survey to give to people who slipped me into their
not-friend category. Since I’m a person with no ability to cope with
nuance, answers ...
8 months ago
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