Saturday, April 12, 2008

Welcome me back and pardon me for breaking the cardinal rule of blogging

Wow, what a mistake that was! More than a month without posting to this blog. I have lots of reasons: mostly my day job, with writing and publishing the annual report, and then writing a video script and traveling to Mexico to shoot part of it. But these are not excuses. I should have been keeping up on this. I believe I have more to say than I allowed myself. There is so much going on in the public arena with the Potential Prezes, General Petreaus, the Pope coming to America, and so on.

There is a lesson there. Mostly, this blog should be a conversation between you and me, and I did not keep up my end of the bargain. This two-way thing we have going between us is the very heart of blogging, a trust. Otherewise there is no raison d'etre (I think that's the way you spell it). But I ask you: What should we do when we don't have much that is worthwhile to say? Should we just go on for the sake of blogging, or should we give it a rest? I'm interested in your thoughts on the very nature of this communication. In the meantime, look for more from me. And please let me hear from you.

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